South Union Township

Alumni - Schools & Such
Historic Schools Information Below
South Union Township
School Photos, Records and such!
(If you have any photos or records to add, please send them to me as an attachment Karen Zach)
Note: It is obvious some of these came from a book, but I have no clue what / where - I'm sorry :( Of course, it's not a complete listing of everyone who went to school in Montgomery County, but it's a wow index nonetheless and has lots of goodies for ya'!). Thanks to all who have contributed information, pictures, identification help and locations!!!!!
For the Historic Township Schools, Please CLICK the links below!
Note: New Market School is located in Union Township, but draws its student base from Brown, Scott
and Union Townships. In this project we will view it as a seperate school enity.
Brown Township - Waveland School
Clark Township - Ladoga School
Ripley Township - Alamo School
Walnut Township - New Ross School
South Union Township
Union Township comprises the center or heart of Montgomery County, excluding Crawfordsville. Here we have some general information pertaining to the township which falls in North Montgomery School Corporation and South Montgomery School Corporation. Township control of the schools ceased in 1966 with the two mentioned corporation taling over.
EARLY COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS Thanks to the collected works of Dr. Charles L. Arvin on the Monrgomery County Schools
- Township Information Little tidbits of facts Source: "UNION TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Township Bus Drivers Starting in 1941 until 1966. These are the drivers for the entire township, both north and south sections. Source: "UNION TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Early Union Township School Hack Man and boy unknown
- Union Township Teachers 1905-1906 Names are listed on the picture, along with their schools. thanks JT
- Union Township Teachers 1911-1912 Names are listed on the picture, along with their schools. Source: "UNION TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Graduation Exercises June 1896 Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 23 June 1899 p 12

Source: Crawfordsville Star, Jan 12, 1888 p 5
- On last Thursday officers Ensminger and Grimes came out from Crawfordsville and arrested Harley Swindler, Elzey Doyle, Robert Weir and Robert Skaggs for the burning of the school here last April. This is bad luck to the boys if they are guilty. - typed by kbz -- See also this interesting (spoof) piece on the Balhinch Female Seminary
Note: I would guess that the two gals in front were the 1909 teachers :) One is likely Elizabeth McLoed - see below. This educational facility was Located in the western half of the South section of Union Township, this school was on Section #14, and on property given by a Nutt family. In the 1909-1910 Schools of Montgomery County listing (by Charles Arvin, 2000) it lists Elizabeth as the only teacher, Grades 1-8. It was also known as School #19 and was 2 miles west of Whitesville-
Source: Crawfordsville Star, Feb 16, 1875 p 2
-- Evan Fink's school will be out in three or four weeks. He is getting $60 a month. Evan is the best teacher Beech Grove ever had.
Souvenier program from 1910-1911 -- Marty McLoed sent this and wrote about it -- "1909-10 Beech Grove school. The teacher is Elizabeth Sophronia McLoed (1889-1980 daughter of Oliver & Mary Myers McLoed). She would have been around 19 at the time." - (6 page program displayed in album) (Eliz pic included - what a pretty lady)
Album of the 1909 Beech Grove Students Contains 4 photos of 1909 4th Grade students, 1909 6th Grade students, 1909 8th Grade students, and 1909 - all grades
SCHOOL Teachers 1901-1912 (active earlier) Source: "UNION TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

-- see School #20 - Union Township (South)
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 26 Dec 1894 p 4—Miss Mollie Hall is teaching the school at the Gilliland School House. The patrons of the school to show how they appreciate her as a teacher prepared a surprise dinner for her and her pupils on last Friday. It was a grand success. At about half past 11 o’clock the patrons of the school began to arrive. When all was ready they marched to the school house door and Mrs. Manning Davis knocked for admittance. In a few moments Miss Hall opened the door. She was speechless for a short time, then threw up both hands as though some highway man had ordered her to give up her pocketbook and said for pity sake how did you all get together. In a short time all that had room to work were busy arranging for the feast that had been prepared. I will not attempt to tell how nice the dinner was but will say it was grand. Miss Hall and her pupils ate first then the patrons and visitors; in all 67 and there was enough left for as many more. The afternoon was spent in ciphering, declamations, etc. Old Santa Claus made his appearance and treated to oranges and candy. It was a day long to be remembered by all present.

Photo thanks to Bill Boone

SCHOOL Teachers 1901-1909 (active earlier) Source: "UNION TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
No teacher assignments after ther 1908-1908 school year!

SCHOOL Teachers 1901-1910 (active earlier) Source: "UNION TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
NOTE! = After the 1909-1910 school year, the school was Annexed into Crawfordsville and continued a few more years. The listing in Crawfordsviile School System has a picture of the school and a picture of students, year unknown.
Source: "Crawfordsville High School/Union Township"", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
In the fall of 1910 Highland School became part of the Crawfordsville School Corporation. Up until it has been out in the township school district, but the city annexed that area and Highland School became part of the city. As a township school grades one through were enrolled, but the city only enrolled students in grades one throught four. It was located on the southeast side of town what is now South MIll Street. It was named Highland School becaues it stood on the highest ground in the area. Helen Knigery was the first teacher to teach at Highland School after it became part of the city.
The building was used as a school until 1923-1924 school year, when it was closed and abandoned. Rose B. Miller was the last teacher to teach at Highland School.
from another area of the book came this paragraph, the right hand edge was missing:
In 1910 two township schools -- Highland and Fiskville -- were added to the city scho(ols) by annexation. High Grade School xxxxed on South Mill Street. Highland addit(???) designated because it was a higher par(t of the) city, reached via Danville Avenue. At t(he time?) these schools were built, both areas wer(e "in) the country" or out in the township. Wh(en) Highland School was abandoned studen(ts went to) Tuttle Grade School. The Highland Buildi(ng has) since been demolished.

Located in the West half of Union (South) Township, this was located in Section #7. It is not for sure which Herron gave the property (and thus the name) but it is assumed it was likely Andrew Herron who lived in that area. -- Source: Crawfordsville Indiana (Montgomery County) Star, Dec 21, 1875 Herron School – this school, situated just outside of the city , southwest, is at present under the control of Mr. M. Hyett, as instructor and is reported by its patrons as second to but few schools in the county for both attendance and perfect order; all going forward in the most systematic manner. This is the school over which our townsman, WM. H. Durham has the honor to preside as director.

Near Whitesville, this school had the name changed 3 times according to land owners -- see also School #24 -- South Union - map shows approximately where it was at

- In Section #9, this was also known as School #16 in South Union Township. Thanks to Suzie. I am so sorry, but don't remember who sent me a picture of what the school is like now. Two views one in color, one black & white, same picture. Be assured though, it's greatly appreciated!! (kbz) - listed in the 1909-1910 Union Township schools with only one teacher, Mrs. W.F. Sharpe (District #20) teaching Grades 1-8 - brave sou! Mt. Tabor's last school year was likely 1936-1937 with 30 enrolled and Emma Linderman as teacher for grades 1-8.
- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 30 August 1901 p 9 Trustee Breaks of Union Township is planning to materially reduce the number of school teachers employed in Union township by transferring several schools bodily to the city schools and consolidating other country schools. The grade school for which a handsome building is now being constructed north of the city will do away with Vail School, No 4, Quick School No. 5, Ash Pile No 6, Hunt School No 7 and McIntire No. 13.?? The following schools will be closed and the children transferred to the Crawfordsville schools.?? Oak Hill No. 15, Herron No. 21 and Smith No. 16.?? The school in Fiskville will be managed by one teacher and a part of the pupils transferred to Crawfordsville.?? One teacher will be dropped at Mt. Tabor, one at Smartsburg and one at the Stump school. Altogether there will be a reduction of 10 teachers employed in the township and not only will expenses be thus materially cut down but the pupils will expenses be thus materially cut down but the pupils will receive more efficient instruction than theretofore.
SCHOOL Teachers 1902-1937 (may have been active earlier) Source: "UNION TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

This school was located just east of what is now US 231 on County Road 510 South. This was on the east side of the Loansport, Crawfordsville & Western Railroad. The northwest corner of Section 32, on the 1878 Atlas of South Union Township, in the area of North Union P.O. and Flag Station.
SCHOOL Teachers 1901-1910 (active earlier, but no records) Source: "UNION TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000 No teacher assignments after ther 1909-1910 school year!
- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 14 Jan 1898 p 12 "Park" news -- The Willow Grove School director, Mr. Demoret, sent off for two stoves, one for the North Union School and the other for the Willow Grove school.
- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 18 Feb 1898 p 9 Mrs. Bowers (Hintie Wray - article on her marriage) is teaching in the North Union School.
- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 27 Jan 1899 p 1 Pie Supper - There will be a pie supper at North Union School house Friday night, Jan 27. No admission. Everybody invited.
- Source: Crawfordsville Review 25 Feb 1899 p 8 North Union news -- The North Union school is running a few days withoutfuel, on account of the coal famine in the city.
- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 27 Sept 1901 p 5 North Union news -- School began Monday with Bert Snyder as teacher.
- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 31 Jan 1902 p 4 ? North Union news - The following persons of North Union School were vaccinated this week: Bert Snyder, teacher: Clay Rice, Frostie Surface, Clifford Kirkendall, Mabel Saunders and Clora Kirkendall. Ten of them are left to take their medicine.
- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 14 Feb 1902 p 1 The following pupils of North Union School have neither been absent nor tardy during this term: Mabel Saunders, Jewel Kirkendall and Clora Kirkendall.

Source: Crawfordsville Review Nov 21, 1913 p 1 - Trustee Charles V. Hodgkin made sale of what is known as the Offield School House in the manner and form prescribed by the statute for the sale of abandoned structures and grounds. Mrs. Aaron Nutt was the purchaser and price paid was $150. This school was abandoned, the pupils having been transfered to the Wilson Consolidated school. - kbz
- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 14 Jan 1898 p 12 The spelling and ciphering match at No. 7 school house last Friday night was well attended. The spelling was before recess and Gust Steele, the business college student, was the best speller in the house. After recess ciphering was the programme and Wlater Pickett was the best in the audience.

In Section #1, the land was owned by D.D. Galloway - school known as much by the name Shiloh as it was by School #15

Located in Section 9, the property was donated by W. Henry - this school is known as Mt. Tabor School more so than School #16 - thanks to Suz

Located in Section #2 in the west half of Union (South) Township. A Wilcox (probably Levi or some of his sons or brothers' family) gave the property.

- AKA Willow Creek -- AKA Gilliland
The property for this school was given by the Gilliland Family located on Section #20. This school was also known as Willow Creek.

Located in section #21 the school was known as #21 and Shleppy School

This school was located in Section #23 and was build on land given by the VanScoyoc family - thanks to Suzie (who has sone a great chunk of this page)

This school was on land given by A.J. McMullen and was briefly called the McMullen school - located in Section #27. It was built about 1878 and was about where roads 500 S & 200 E intersect. It was referred to as the J. Oliver School more than #24 or McMullen - thanks, Suzie

This one is strange -- sometimes called Armantrout school (for man who gave the land) it was in Section #32 and was more often called North Union School which is odd since it was in South Union district :) - thanks to Suzie

SCHOOL Teachers 1901-1906 (May have been active earlier) Source: "UNION TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

SCHOOL Teachers 1901-1904 (May have been active earlier) Source: "UNION TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- See 1896 Graduation un Union Township above

SCHOOL Teachers 1901-1906 (May have been active earlier) Source: "UNION TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

In the 300 South and Ladoga Road area (about 200 E) was Shady Nook and property was given for the school in 1857. It was still going strong in 1891 but not sure exactly when it closed. My daughter, local history library at Crawfordsville District Public Library wrote a blog about Shady Nook which tells much more - enjoy. This may also be one of the schools above.

See School #15 - Union (South) --
Source: Crawfordsville Star Nov 24, 1893 -"Roll of Pupils" -- The following pupils of Shiloh school were on the roll of honor and received 100 in department during the past two months: Dicy Chadwick, May Hartly, Lida Lowe,Edna Chadwick, Hugh Chadwick, Tom Hartley, Otis Craine, Jesse Chadwick, Opal Elliott, Lonnie Lowek, Rose Chadwick, Annie McLure, Nora Hartley, Otte McLure, Laeala Smith, Emory Lowe, Willie Brocie, Roy Carrell, Esten Hartley. - kbz

- Located in Section #27, District #35, the school was also known as School 27 and was fairly assuredly on land given by John Thomas Stump (born 8 May 1820 Boone Co KY and died in Montgomery County 18 July 1903 - buried Weir Cemetery) - he had a family of 12 children and likely wanted them and his grandchildren to have a good education. In 1909-1910 the only teacher was Bina M. Thompson for all 8 grades. Thanks to the Crawfordsville District Public Library's awesome image database for this pic
- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 30 August 1901 p 9 Trustee Breaks of Union Township is planning to materially reduce the number of school teachers employed in Union township by transferring several schools bodily to the city schools and consolidating other country schools. The grade school for which a handsome building is now being constructed north of the city will do away with Vail School, No 4, Quick School No. 5, Ash Pile No 6, Hunt School No 7 and McIntire No. 13.?? The following schools will be closed and the children transferred to the Crawfordsville schools.?? Oak Hill No. 15, Herron No. 21 and Smith No. 16.?? The school in Fiskville will be managed by one teacher and a part of the pupils transferred to Crawfordsville.?? One teacher will be dropped at Mt. Tabor, one at Smartsburg and one at the Stump school. Altogether there will be a reduction of 10 teachers employed in the township and not only will expenses be thus materially cut down but the pupils will expenses be thus materially cut down but the pupils will receive more efficient instruction than theretofore.
SCHOOL Teachers 1901-1916 (may have been active earlier) Source: "UNION TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

This school may have been on land given by Jacob Troutman - Troutman Station on the Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western RR and 3 mi. SW of Crawfordsville. Troutman was also a miller, and the Post Master at Troutman's Station. It was in Section #3, South Union (west half).
SCHOOL Teachers 1905-1911 (may have been active earlier) Source: "UNION TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000

- Unknown School - Union Township? ?Grade School?
- 1937 School bus group
- 1915 Basketball Team (Wabash?) - thanks Bill Boone - let me know if you know anyone or the team??!! THANKS kz

-- aka School #23 (located in Section #26 South Uion Twp) NOTE: Whitesville was School District 30 locared in the south-west corner of Union Township from Source: "UNION TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- WHITESVILLE -- March 15, 1903 Sunday Star (thanks, Jerry T :) -- Union Twp. has sold the following school houses & lots - Whitesville, $25 to residents of school district No. 30 for a hall.
- Note: They may have built a new one as Charlie Arvin's 2000 listing (Union Township Schools) includes Will E. White as principal; Charles Shanks grades 6-8; Lola Ghormely 3-5 and Bertha Peterson 1-2 in the 1904-05 school year. (same source as below)
- SCHOOL Teachers 1901-1954 (may have been active earlier) Source: "UNION TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000
- Source: Union Township Schools by Charles Arvin April 2000. Whitesville closed in 1954 -- the last teachers were: Roy Busher, Principal and Grades 608; Beulah Wingert Grades 3-5 and Ruth Joiner Grades 1-2. The custodian was Harry Wren and there were 60 pupils.
- Whitesville School (thanks, BB)
- Grade 4, Whitesville School, 1936 (see Jameson - thanks CDPL image file )
- Whitesville, outside - nifty picture from Mike Long :)
- 1886 Graduation Exercises - thanks so very very much to Pegeen for this cool piece of history - it's a tad hard to read so I've also typed it
- 1897 Whitesville School Graduation Class Minnie (Manges) Davidson is on the front row far right side.and only one identifiable so far. Compliments of Vicki Davidson Deer

Willow Grove School Picture Thanks to CDPL Archives
- A small area just south of present-day County Road 300 South on US 231 (left side of road) - there was a school, several houses, cemetery and likely a church that went with that cemetery. Names at the school in 1894-1895 were Snyder, Stephens, Vancleave, (Teacher O.W. Oliphant), Pickle, Miller, McMains (sp?), Demort (Demoret?), --- I'm blogging the cool picture on Monday - so, if you want to link to the pic it will be ready soon. Also, just got a 1903 Mills school pic too - & an old CHS - 1894 & an 1887 school pic with a Mr. Vanscoyoc as the teacher -- possibly Willow Grove - don't know for sure. This from daughter, Suzie Zach Baldwin, one great ref librarian :) --
- Source: Crawfordsville Star, Jan 11, 1877 p 7 – Willow Grove School house four miles south of Crawfordsville on the Greencastle Road was partially consumed by fire on Tuesday afternoon. Wm. Hall, the teacher barely succeeded in saving the building.
- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 14 Jan 1898 p 12 "Park" news -- The Willow Grove School director, Mr. Demoret, sent off for two stoves, one for the North Union School and the other for the Willow Grove school.
- Source: Crawfordsville Review 28 December 1889 p 8 Mr. E.E. Vanscoyoc is giving unanimous satisfaction as a school teacher of the Willow Grove School.
- Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 14 Oct 1893 p 4 The Willow Grove School three miles south on the Greencastle Road held arousing basket social on Friday evening for the benefit of the school library and realized $18.42 as net proceeds. The handsomest lady present was awarded a fine cake. After a spirited and exciting "campaign" the prize was awarded Miss iIla McMain. Mrs. WF Sharpe is the efficient teacher.
- Source: Crawfordsville Review 26 Jan 1895 p 1 Messrs Luse & Schlemmer photographed Willow Grove School children onThursday of this week. AHHHH WISH WE HAD THAT PICTURE :(
- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 6 Sept 1895 p 4 Mr. Oliphant will teach the Willow Grove School this winter.
- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 18 Feb 1898 p 2 "Park news" - There will be at least three scholars from Willow Grove School to try the examination for graduation.?? Ollos Oliphant still holds the fort at the Willow Grove School.
- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 15 Feb 1901 p 5 "Rural Route No. 2 news" -- Willow Grove School will close in fourweeks.?? Supt. Walkup and Trustee Breaks were visitors at Willow Grove school last Friday.
- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 10 January 1902 p 4 Henry Fisher visited Willow Grove School Thursday bringing them a treat of fine candy. He was so well received that he said he would call again.?? Misses Bell and Myrtle Demoret, Edith, Dean and Dell Crist, Bessie Gilliland and Verna Grimes visited Willow Grove School Thursday afternoon.
- Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 31 Jan 1902 p 1 "North Union news" -- Dr. JL Beatty passed through here Monday evening en route to Willow Grove School House and vaccinated 17 pupils.
This country school was located in Section #12 in the western half of Union Township (South part). It likely existed from the late 1800s to very early 1900s. In 1914-1915 D.V. Pittman had the upper 4 grades (4-8) and Hazel J. Hall grades 1-3. .
West of Indiana 47 South one mile on County Road 200 South.
Wilson School was a Consolidation and started classes in the 1912-1913 school year. Source: "UNION TOWNSHIP", prepared by Charles L. Arvin, April 2000